While delivery of European Structural Investment Fund (ESIF) programmes is ongoing until 2023, a key priority for the Managing Authority is ensuring projects are delivering in line with financial and participant profiles.
Recipients of European Social Fund (ESF) with programmes underperforming beyond the 15% acceptable variation have or will be invited to submit a Project Change Request (PCR). These invitations are in four tranches, and every project will be invited by their Project Officer to submit the request, with deadlines corresponding to project completion dates.
Once PCR’s are approved any future underperformance will result in the underperformance methodology being applied (i.e. payments withheld) and there will be no further opportunity to make changes. Therefore it is essential PCR requests are right, realistic and robust, with achievable profiles that projects are confident can be delivered.
Further information on deadlines for submitting final Project Change Requests is detailed in the following Action Note;