The CSI project is here to make the voice of the third sector heard at a national level. Each of our CSI representatives sit on one of the Growth Programme Board’s nine national sub-committees and will represent your opinions at board level.
Across the country, 38 Local Enterprise Partnership area sub-committees advise the Managing Authorities on local projects and experiences. This means that the discussions you have with us will directly impact on the remaining 2014-2020 ESIF programme and will also help shape the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, as well as other future legacy funds.
What is the Growth Programme Board?
The Growth Programme Board is the programme monitoring committee in England for the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) growth programme. The ESIF programme includes the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF). These funds were both approved by the European Commission in 2015 and are currently running as a seven-year programme, which is now about half way through.
The Growth Programme Board’s role is to approve aspects of the ERDF and ESF funds and to help maximise the impact of the European growth programme. The board will review, examine and give its opinion on the implementation of these funds, whilst monitoring the delivery of programme results and achievement against targets at national level.
The board will also provide strategic advice to help the Managing Authorities align with other local growth programmes and to provide co-ordination with other European Funds, such as the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).
Performance and Dispute Resolution National Sub-committee
The Performance and Dispute Resolution National Sub-committee will monitor and assess spend and performance across ERDF and ESF funds. The board will take a broad view across the whole growth programme in order to advise the board on how the programme is performing as a whole. It will undertake regular reviews to assess spend, commitment levels, N+3 and impact across GDTs.
It will consider a broad range of trends and key indicators, including results, output indicators and aggregated spending and outcome totals, for both the relevant thematic objectives and overall national objectives and targets. It will assess trends and risks, ensuring that LEP areas ESI Funds sub-committees are asked to account for anomalies as appropriate and advise how these might be managed.
Likewise, it will also consider and assess programme and project related dispute cases raised by LEP areas and GDTs to advise the Growth Programme Board and Managing Authorities as needed. The committee will also advise on how risks and trends are managed and communicated, as well as how best practice arising from good performance is communicated to local partners and other stakeholders.
Smart Specialisation National Sub-committee
The Smart Specialisation National Sub-committee aims to boost regional innovation by offering the Growth Programme Board specialist advice and expertise on Smart Specialisation and other research, development and innovation issues. The committee will undertake analysis into specific thematic and policy related issues on behalf of the board and will report its findings back.
This committee will also advise on the extent to which opportunities to build synergies with other EU funds have added value to Smart Specialisation in England. It will review the implementation of the Smart Specialisation Strategy for England and advise the Managing Authority in overseeing the work of a Smart Specialisation Hub.
Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Competitiveness National Sub-committee
This sub-committee will advise the Growth Programme Board on national and local policies which impact on SMEs, as well as any elements of the ESI Funds Growth Programme which might impact on SME competitiveness. It will undertake analysis to identify best practice and will provide specialist advice and expertise on SME related issues, including ICT and financial instruments.
The committee will also monitor and assess FI spend and performance across both ERDF programmes and ESI funds in order to advise the Managing Authority on issues and potential solutions. It will also make recommendations to the Performance & Dispute Resolution Sub-committee on measures to improve performance.
Sustainable Growth and Development National Sub-committee
The Sustainable Growth and Development National Sub-committee is responsible for providing the Growth Programme Board with specialist advice and expertise on sustainability related issues, including low carbon, climate change, the environment and sustainable transport.
The committee will undertake analysis into specific thematic and policy related issues on behalf of the board and will report its findings back. It will also feed policy specific advice and views at a national level and will make recommendations to the Performance & Dispute Resolution sub-committee on measures to improve the overall impact of spend on sustainable development.
Employment, Skills and Social Inclusion National Sub-committee
This sub-committee will provide the Growth Programme Board with specialist advice and expertise on issues relating to employment, skills and social inclusion, including community-led local development. They will undertake analysis into specific thematic and policy related issues on behalf of the board and will report its findings back, while feeding in policy specific advice and views at a national level.
The committee will also make recommendations to the Performance & Dispute Resolution sub-committee on measures to improve the impact of co-financing provision. It will also make recommendations to the Growth Programme Board and Managing Authorities on measures to improve the impact of CLLD provision.
Sustainable Urban Development National Sub-committee
The Sustainable Urban Development National Sub-committee will provide the Managing Authorities and Growth Programme Board with specialist advice and expertise on Sustainable Urban Development. It will undertake analysis into specific SUD related issues on behalf of the board and will make recommendations to the Managing Authorities as required.
Evaluation National Sub-committee
The Evaluation National Sub-committee will advise on ERDF and ESF evaluations, which will form part of the Evaluation Strategy developed by the Managing Authorities.
It will contribute to evaluation reports developed by the Managing Authorities and will advise the Growth Programme Board on these reports prior to their submission for final approval.
Equality and Diversity National Sub-committee
The Equality & Diversity sub-committee will monitor the application and implementation of equalities principles across ERDF and ESF programmes, in order to advise the Growth Programme Board and Managing Authorities on risks and opportunities identified.
It will provide advice and recommendations to the board on equality related issues within European programmes, while undertaking analysis into specific thematic, policy and operational related issues as required.
Communication National Sub-committee
The role of the Communication National Sub-committee is to advise the Growth Programme Board on ERDF and ESF communications related issues and activity, while promoting best practice to these projects and supporting the delivery of Annual Communications Activity Plans.
The committee will evaluate the application and implementation of the Communication Strategy, conduct regular reviews of the strategy and put recommendations forward to the Growth Programme Board.