Towns and Cities: Local Power is the Path to Recovery

Ahead of the upcoming Levelling Up White Paper, this House of Lords report examines towns and cities as ‘the beating heart’ of the UK. The report hopes three changes can be made: empowering local leadership to ensure regeneration is locally tailored; supporting towns to ensure blend of retail, housing, workplace, and leisure opportunities; and tackling inequalities through community engagement.

Towns and cities are vital to the social and economic wellbeing of the UK, as they provide many of us with the building blocks for our lives—housing, public transport, green spaces, workspaces, public services, leisure opportunities. If towns and cities become dilapidated, with poor housing and green spaces, limited public transport, public services, and leisure opportunities, it is inevitable that people’s wellbeing will suffer. If towns and cities are vibrant, with a plentiful supply of high-quality housing and green spaces, reliable and affordable public transport, and a wide range of public services, workspaces and leisure opportunities, people’s wellbeing will tend to improve and people may feel better about themselves and their lives.

Read the full report here

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