An urgent call has been made by The Resolution Foundation for the Government to step up support for family incomes and individual firms at risk of hardship due to the impact of the coronavirus. Low earners are most likely to be hit immediately, with less than 1 in 10 of those being able to work from home, also those most at risk of losing income are more likely than average to have no savings to fall back on.
The report recommends 3 main immediate actions to reduce the long-lasting effects on income of the economic crisis now facing the UK:
- Extending and increasing Statutory Sick Pay
- Introducing a new Statutory Retention Pay scheme
- Strengthening welfare support by increasing Universal Credit and other benefits
Download the full report here:
Supporting the Third Sector through COVID-19
A series of documents and updates regarding the 2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Programme and the response to COVID-19 can be accessed here.
As ever, our dedicated CSI Representatives are here to understand and unpack the issues that the third sector is facing within the current ESIF programme which are affecting their ability to use European funds effectively.
So that we can raise these issues at government level on your behalf and pro-actively work for solutions, we’re asking Third Sector organisations to tell us their experiences using these funds, in light of the outbreak of COVID-19. Please contact us via