Standing Together? COVID-19 and worker insecurity in 2020 and beyond

Many businesses are unable to plan for the future, workers are unsure of how their role might change or whether they will be made redundant, and policymakers are still establishing what kind of support will be needed for businesses going forward.

In this context, many people are facing job insecurity, in ways that have never been experienced before. This report by the Work Foundation seeks to develop a new evidence base to shape practical recommendations, capable of protecting and improving security in the labour market following COVID-19.

Download the full report here:

Supporting the Third Sector through COVID-19

A series of documents and updates regarding the 2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Programme and the response to COVID-19 can be accessed here.

As ever, our dedicated CSI Representatives are here to understand and unpack the issues that the third sector is facing within the current ESIF programme which are affecting their ability to use European funds effectively. 

So that we can raise these issues at government level on your behalf and pro-actively work for solutions, we’re asking Third Sector organisations to tell us their experiences using these funds, in light of the outbreak of COVID-19. Please contact us via
